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The power of creativity supporting young people with mental health challenges The power of creativity supporting young people with mental health challenges

Art is on every wall at Laing House. It might be a collage, a painting or a doodle with an inspiring message. On the second floor, you will find a long table covered in paint, glue and glitter. You will also find a handful of young people working around the table during most afternoons. Some people will be quietly working on a project and others will be chatting away while their hands are busy painting or sketching.

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Sharing experiences with others makes the difference to mental illness recovery Sharing experiences with others makes the difference to mental illness recovery

If you ask Tyler Simmonds and Aly Aly about Laing House’s peer support program, you are going to first see a slight smile on their faces, a quick look at each other and then learn that their relationship has been an important part of both of their mental illness recoveries.

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Laing House recipient of 2019 Healthy Canadians Grant from the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Foundation Laing House recipient of 2019 Healthy Canadians Grant from the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Foundation

This week, The CMA Foundation (CMAF) announced the 15 recipients of the 2019 Healthy Canadians Grants program. Launched in 2018, the Healthy Canadians Grants program supports community-run initiatives that improve the quality of life for patients and vulnerable populations living in those communities.

This year, 15 grants of $20,000 will provide support to youth mental health and/or substance use initiatives across the country.

Click here to read the full CMA Foundation press release

Laing House receives a $15,000 Bell Let’s Talk  Community Fund grant Laing House receives a $15,000 Bell Let’s Talk Community Fund grant

Halifax, Nova Scotia, January 15, 2020 –Laing House is pleased to receive a $15,000 grant from the Bell Let’s Talk Community Fund to support the development of community building programs at The Den, Sackville Youth Centre for youth, ages 13 to 24, who are living with mental health challenges.

Expanding Mental Health Supports in Yarmouth Area Expanding Mental Health Supports in Yarmouth Area

More support will be available to teenagers and young adults dealing with mental health issues in the Yarmouth area. Laing House in Yarmouth has received $165,536 in government funding to support programs for individuals aged 16-29.